Thus ends Enzo, a pitiable monster. For those who are interested, here’s the mechanical run through this game of The Magus. Generally, each heading is a blog post. 00> Origin Pr(ompt) 1—what is magic like? Rolled 3 (forbidden), 7 (academic), and 12 (Demons grant access) Pr 2—Your talent reveals itselfRolled 3 (the vagabond) Pr 3—Your… Continue reading [The mechanical run-through]
Author: wkinchlea
A sorcerer’s folly.
I am alone. Though Iqq and Apep are still with me constantly, I know they are but figments of my intellect. This cold certainly is borne out through their interactions with me now: they only speak in insults, jibes and attacks upon my abilities…who else could hurt me, but myself? Still, the months of constant… Continue reading A sorcerer’s folly.
The waif.
I have completed my next spell—a grudging, paltry work to appease the state—dubbed Hallowing Judgement of Warforged. ~Hallowing Judgement of Warforged~Fly this banner above your army, and when your soldiers fall, their bodies will rise again to smite your enemy to the very last. The state is too fearful to truly wield this spell, but… Continue reading The waif.
A reflection.
17 years of work distilled to a position: I now sit on the academic council. My work has proven again and again to nothing short of revolutionary, such that—were I a less cunning man—I’d have been discovered by the questers years ago. My new position allows me further insight into these lands. It is easy… Continue reading A reflection.
Walking new paths.
Apep is my greatest invention. It has been a decade since I created them, and in that time we have created much for ourselves. Sanctity of Punishment was met with unmitigated praise by the academy. As a work, it has revolutionized the structures of our society and uplifted the body politic to new heights. Through… Continue reading Walking new paths.
Crossing the Rubicon.
I need more. My successes with Second Winter have run their course. It has been years since I have made any headway on anything novel or revelatory. Though they say the respect my work, I see how the wizards look at me—they wish for me to fail. Of course, my work is enough to keep… Continue reading Crossing the Rubicon.
A reflection of things to come.
It’s been several years now since I unlocked Second Winter. While casting a true spell in the manner I did was foolhardy—my hand must still be hidden at all times—what I learned from the complete work has gained me much prestige in the academy. In presenting the spell’s inner workings to my…peers…much has been made… Continue reading A reflection of things to come.
A grave error in judgement.
It has now been months since Lenten Howl and my subterfuge is complete: I’ve begun true work as a wizard, working to understand how the estuaries that surround the capital seem to keep sickness at bay within the city walls, while the similar ecologies of the Gorscht inflame the dark humors to wonton destruction of… Continue reading A grave error in judgement.
A chance encounter.
Having left my village with nought but the worldly effects of the sorcerer—including more money than I’d ever previously seen—I walked (as needs must) to the only other place I’d ever heard of: Lenten Howl. Lenten Howl was two day’s walk from our village upon the Gorscht, and the only place our people went for… Continue reading A chance encounter.
The Origin
I thought it best, given the circumstances, that I write down my experiences. This journal will serve as a record of my works—whether as a testament to excellence or as a warning to my folly remains to be seen. My name is Enzo. My family has fished on the banks for the river Gorscht for… Continue reading The Origin